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Triathlete using Exercise with Oxygen Training System

If you are looking for Energy, Longevity and Health you may want to consider

Exercise With Oxygen Therapy 



At Optimize Products we are very happy to talk with you to answer any questions you may have about our EWOT Systems. We will never try to sell you anything, just answer your questions so that you can make an informed decision on if EWOT is right for you.

Our Winter EWOT Sale Is Finally Here!
$350 to $1200 Off Our EWOT Systems
Until March 12th.

Optimize Products
 On-Demand & Reservoir Bag
Exercise With Oxygen Therapy Systems

What is EWOT (Exercise with Oxygen Therapy)


Exercise With Oxygen Therapy (EWOT) is a very effective training system that anyone can do. It uses an oxygen concentrator to deliver higher amounts of oxygen to the body through a mask during moderate exercise.

An oxygen concentrator takes in room air, filters out the nitrogen and argon and leaves you with pure oxygen.

For EWOT to be effective at least 8 liters of oxygen per minute is delivered to you through an oxygen concentrator (90%-95% pure oxygen) that is hooked up to tubing and sent up through a mask to deliver oxygen to you while you are exercising on stationary exercise equipment like a tread mill, stationary bike, rebounder, etc.

The use of this oxygen is a way that is very effective for the prevention of aging, to improve your health and increase energy levels.


EWOT Research and Benefits


German Research (by M. von Ardenne) has proven there is a specific reason why our energy levels drop as the years go by, due to a physiological change in energy production. As we age or if we have health conditions, our body lacks the ability to utilize oxygen as efficiently as it used to. The good news is that von Ardennes research proved that EWOT can help reverse that change, by improving the bodies ability to utilize oxygen so that one can regain the energy and stamina of their youth.

In his book Oxygen Multistep Therapy: Physiological and Technical Foundations, von Ardenne lists over 500 medical references and offers scientific evidence based on 10,000 studies to support the use of oxygen to improve cellular health. His study showed the following benefits of EWOT:

1. Increases Oxygen Circulation in the Body

  • Insufficient oxygen supply is a common cause of many diseases and disorders.

2. Restores Blood Flow

  • Increased blood flow improves the function of all of the systems of the body.

3. Increases the Production of ATP

  • Acts as a source of fuel within the cells to “charge up” the energy.

4. Improves physical performance.

5. Reduces Inflammation.

6. Assists in weight loss.

7. Promotes Detoxification.


Considerations when purchasing an EWOT System


To obtain the benefits of EWOT the German research was very precise regarding the conditions under which EWOT should be performed. That is, you will require: An oxygen source that produces a high flow of oxygen of at least 8 - 10 liters per minute, a purity of Oxygen at 90 – 95%. Do not be tempted to purchase the smaller, lower flow, lower purity oxygen concentrators that are now available from China and some North American and European resellers. These small oxygen concentrators typically produce only 2 to 3 liters per minute at a purity level of only 30 – 50%. One must also be careful to avoid the use of a standard oxygen concentrator that produces 5 Liters per minute, which just happens to be the most common oxygen concentrator on the market. These 5 Liter per minute models are fine for those patients who are either housebound or wheel chair bound due to the fact that they are not exercising. However, the original German research shows that 5 Liters Per Minute is insufficient to provide the benefits of EWOT.

Not only is 8 - 10 Liters per minute required, but the person seeking to obtain the benefits of EWOT will also need to be wearing an EWOT Mask. This is an oxygen mask that has a bag attached to it. The bag catches the oxygen that would otherwise be lost when you are exhaling. (See Photo of the On-Demand EWOT Mask here: On Demand EWOT Mask.  Since this oxygen is caught by the bag and not lost, you are able to breathe it in on the next inhalation. This is the only way that you will be able to breathe all of the oxygen that is made by the oxygen concentrator. A standard oxygen mask, nasal cannula (nose hose), or an aviator style headset will simply not work because the oxygen produced by the oxygen concentrator is lost to the air when you are exhaling. You may also use a reservoir bag which you prefill before exercising. In this case you will use a mask will only allow you to breathe oxygen from the reservoir bag, (See Photo of the O2Max EWOT Mask: O2Max EWOT MaskOptimize Products provides both systems, and a combination of the two for just $160.00 more, as you will see at the bottom of the page.


Advantage of Purchasing an Optimize EWOT System

  • Our 10 Liter Oxygen Concentrators have a built in oxygen sensor that guarantees you are getting between 90 to 95% pure oxygen which is the highest in the industry. Don't be fooled by the very cheap oxygen concentrators being sold on the market usually from Asia. In Many cases you are only receiving about 33% oxygen.

  • Our Oxygen Concentrators are North American Built to the highest quality in the industry.

  • Optimize offers the most flexibility for your EWOT System in North America. You can choose between an on-demand system (no waiting to fill up a reservoir bag), a Reservoir bag system (Max 02), or a Dual System that offers both.

  • Timer included in our Reservoir packages to safeguard against overfilling your reservoir bag.

  • 2 Year Warranty

  • Our Reservoir bag is made out of Thermoplastic Polyurethane. TPU is a very durable material, with high resistance to abrasions. It is 100% BPA and PVC free to ensure no leaching of harmful plastics.

  • Super easy to use with extremely low maintenance. The only maintenance being to clean the filter (easily accessible in a few seconds) once per week (if in use) with soap and warm water.​

  • ​Built to last - Our Oxygen Concentrators are real "work horses," not even scheduled for maintenance for 30,000 hours. Based on doing EWOT 20 minutes per day, you wouldn't get to 30,000 hours in over 240 years!!

  • There are no duties or taxes when shipped to the U.S.

  • All of this and also the absolute best price in the North American Industry!



Optimize Products EWOT Systems


3 Types of Packages



  • Exercise without waiting using our proprietary EWOT Mask.

  • Perfect Packages if you want to exercise right away without having to wait to fill up the reservoir bag or if you have limited space.

  • 8, 10, 20, and 30 Liter Packages available.

Reservoir Bag Package

  • Exercise using our 1000 Liter Reservoir Bag filled with pure Oxygen.

  • Get the most amount of oxygen in the shortest amount of time.

Dual Reservoir & On-demand EWOT Package ​

  • The best of both worlds. Includes both the On-demand and the Reservoir package for only $160 more than our Reservoir Package.


Optimize Products is the only Company in the marketplace that provides both an On-Demand EWOT System and a Reservoir EWOT System.

In just one package, you’ll receive BOTH of these systems at an extremely competitive price.


Before continuing, we should explain the main difference between “Standard On-Demand EWOT” and “Reservoir EWOT”:


  • Standard On-Demand EWOT is when you exercise on stationary exercise equipment while breathing oxygen from an oxygen concentrator through a very specialized EWOT mask, as well as some room air. German researchers proved in 1977 that there are tremendous benefits from Standard EWOT, but we’ll get to that information later.


  • Reservoir EWOT is when you exercise on stationary exercise equipment while breathing oxygen from a bag full of oxygen, or an “O2 Reservoir,” again by using another special (and yet different) mask. In this case you are not breathing any room air at all, just purified oxygen.


So our Dual Reservoir & On-Demand EWOT System provides you with the ability to perform both “EWOT” and “Super Reservoir EWOT”!


You might be wondering, “…why would I want to have access to both of these systems?”, or “…what is the advantage to that?”. I’d be happy to explain….


The challenge with “Reservoir EWOT” is that it takes time to fill the O2 Reservoir Bag with oxygen, usually 90 to 100 minutes if you are using a 10 liter oxygen concentrator. It is simple math. The bag is 1000 liters and the 10 liter oxygen concentrator produces 10 liters of oxygen per minute. Divide 1000 liters by 10 liters LPM which equals 100 minutes. When you are comparing products on the market keep this in mind, as many companies do not share this information. So what? Well, let’s say you overslept. You have a meeting coming up, you are late and you are rushed, but you really want to get your EWOT workout in before leaving for work to ensure you are sharp and on your game. You want to perform  "Reservoir EWOT” but you don’t have time to fill the reservoir bag with oxygen.


Good news!!… Your Dual Reservoir & On-Demand EWOT System comes with all of the equipment you need to perform ‘Standard’ On-Demand EWOT too. Just turn on the oxygen concentrator, put on the special On-Demand EWOT Mask (which is the key to this unique system), jump on your exercise machine for 15 minutes, and you are done, and on your way to your meeting. Yes, it’s all over in just 15 minutes! …and Yes, you receive tremendous benefits from that “Standard” EWOT Exercise, but only because the Dual EWOT System comes with the specialized On-Demand EWOT Mask that you need to make this work for you!


The next day you arise, and you have plenty of time to fill the O2 Reservoir Bag for EWOT. You take your time, fill the bag, and when the bag is full of Oxygen you exercise on your favorite stationary exercise equipment and head off to the shower feeling great.


Saturday morning, you have lots of time, so you want to perform a 2-hour workout and breathe oxygen the entire time. In this case, no “O2 Reservoir EWOT system in the world would work for you because it would be depleted of oxygen in between 15 and 30 minutes based on averages. So, in this case, it would be best if you performed “Standard” EWOT for the duration of the workout with a special ‘Standard’ EWOT Mask. Again, your Dual Reservoir & On-Demand EWOT System is the only system on the world market that provides you with the proper On-Demand EWOT mask to make this work for you.


Here’s the point….


Depending on how much time you have each day, you’ll benefit from either using On-Demand EWOT or Reservoir EWOT. However, there is no other system on the world market other than the Optimize Dual Reservoir & On-Demand EWOT System that can provide you with the capability to use both EWOT Techniques.


  1. The “Standard” EWOT companies don’t provide the proper mask even for EWOT, let alone the accessories necessary for “Reservoir EWOT”.

  2. The “Super EWOT” companies sell against “Standard On-Demand” EWOT because they don’t have the mask necessary to make Standard EWOT work for you.


The ultimate answer is the Optimize Dual Reservoir & On-Demand EWOT System, which provides you with the unique ability to choose to perform “Standard EWOT” or “Reservoir EWOT”, whichever one suits your requirements on that day.


One final question….Does “Standard On-Demand” EWOT Really work? Yes, it does! Here’s how we know….


The reality is that a German researcher, Dr. Manfred von Ardenne (referred to above), proved that with the proper EWOT Mask and Oxygen Concentrator, “Standard” EWOT provides tremendous benefits even if you just perform it for 15 minutes per day. But only if you use the proper EWOT Mask, like the On-Demand EWOT Mask you’ll receive in your Super EWOT System Package. It just so happens that the On-Demand EWOT Mask is an exact duplicate of the EWOT Mask used in von Ardennes research, and therefore proven to work.


Now, not only do you not have to choose between “Reservoir EWOT” and “On-Demand EWOT”, you have reasons to perform both and enjoy the benefits of both! And only our Dual Reservoir & On-Demand EWOT System can provide you with both, in one System Package, and at one extremely competitive price!

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Bag no Concentrator updated logo_edited.

​EWOT Systems Pricing

Our Winter EWOT Sale Is Finally Here Until March 12th!

On-Demand EWOT Systems


10 Liter On-Demand Opti-Max Gold EWOT Package

$2749.00 USD plus shipping  * $350 Discount - Sale Price - $2399.00


10 LPM Per Minute Oxygen Concentrator

2 x Specialized On-Demand EWOT Masks

Oxygen Humidifier – add aromatherapy!

10 Feet of Oxygen Tubing

5 “Nasal Cannulas” (For “Oxygen Bar” Use!)

Oxygen connector




20 Liter On-Demand Opti-Max Diamond EWOT Package

$5265.00 USD plus shipping  * $700 Discount - Sale Price - $4565


20 LPM Per Minute Oxygen Flow - 

with 2 - 10 LPM Oxygen Concentrators

joined together with a merger

2 x Specialized On-Demand EWOT Masks

2 x Oxygen Humidifiers – add aromatherapy!

2 x 10 Feet of Oxygen Tubing

5 “Nasal Cannulas” (For “Oxygen Bar” Use!)

Oxygen connector




30 Liter On-Demand Opti-Max Elite Athlete EWOT Package

$7795.00 USD plus shipping  * $1,200 Discount - Sale Price - $6595


30 LPM Per Minute Oxygen Flow

with 3 - 10 LPM Oxygen Concentrators

joined together with a merger

3 x Specialized On-Demand EWOT Masks

3 x Oxygen Humidifiers – add aromatherapy!

3 x 10 Feet of Oxygen Tubing

5 “Nasal Cannulas” (For “Oxygen Bar” Use!)

Oxygen connector




Reservoir & Dual EWOT Systems

10 Liter Gold Opti-Max EWOT Reservoir Bag System

$3150.00 USD plus shipping  * $400 Discount - Sale Price - $2750


10 LPM Per Minute Oxygen Concentrator

1000 Liter Reservoir Bag

Reservoir Bag Stand

Specialized Tubing & Fittings Package

2 - O2 Max EWOT Masks

Mask Pump




10 Liter Gold Dual - Reservoir/On-Demand EWOT System

 $3295.00 USD plus shipping  * $450 Discount - Sale Price - $2845 


10 LPM Oxygen Concentrator

1000 Liter Reservoir Bag

Reservoir Bag Stand

Specialized Tubing & Fittings Package

2 - O2 Max EWOT Masks

Mask Pump

2 x Specialized On-Demand EWOT Masks

Oxygen Humidifier – add aromatherapy!

10 Feet of Oxygen Tubing

5 “Nasal Cannulas” (For “Oxygen Bar” Use!)

Oxygen connector




20 Liter Gold Dual - Reservoir/On-Demand EWOT System

 $5899 USD plus shipping     * $900 Discount - Sale Price - $4999


20 LPM Per Minute Oxygen Flow

with 2 - 10 LPM Oxygen Concentrators

1000 Liter Reservoir Bag

Reservoir Bag Stand

Specialized Tubing & Fittings Package

2 - O2 Max EWOT Masks

Mask Pump

2 x Specialized On-Demand EWOT Masks

2 x Oxygen Humidifier – add aromatherapy!

2 x 10 Feet of Oxygen Tubing

5 “Nasal Cannulas” (For “Oxygen Bar” Use!)

Oxygen connector




Gold Opti-Max EWOT Reservoir Bag Upgrade Kit

$799.00 USD plus shipping     * $100 Discount - Sale Price - $699


1000 Liter Reservoir Bag

Reservoir Bag Stand

Specialized Tubing & Fittings Package

2 - O2 Max EWOT Masks

1 - Mask Pump





Disclaimer: In order to abide by the guidelines of Health Canada, the Competition Bureau of Canada, the FDA, and the Federal Trade Commission of the USA, Optimize Products clarifies that the products displayed on this website are not approved medical devices. Nor does Optimize Products attribute nor specify any health benefits associated with the use of any of these products. Please consult a qualified physician before using any products, drugs, or devices. Statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration nor Health Canada.

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