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A high quality all glass Super Column for Water or Saline. Ready to go in under 7 minutes. The Super Column has it's own built in destruct.

North American made laboratory grade durable glass. Silicone tubing with connectors included. (See accompanying picture to see your choice of quick connect or luer connectors to make sure it matches the connectors of your Ozone System. The Super Column will ship with wire to hang on a pole if the Stand is not ordered. We also sell a Super Column Stand for your convenience.  We also sell Super Column Stands for your convenience. Here is the link to our Super Column Stand:

The picture of the product is the 1000ml. The 500ml is the exact same except smaller.   

Water or Saline is poured into the side (destruct is removeable for this purpose) and released with the tap at the bottom. This ensures less breakage as you do not need to constantly remove the top with the glass stem.

500ml Super Column for Making Ozonated Water or Saline

SKU: 073
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